cubaan merempit

Kali ni aku nk mnceritakan kisah yg dh agk lapuk gk a brlaku time bdak2 tokushima yg agk hima di hujung minggu yg lalu .kitorang g a briadah utuk mnjaga mnguruskan badan smbil merapatkan silatulrahim pnduduk disini .. kat ROUND 1 yg sudah sememang nye tkenal dengan tmpat bsukan bbudk jepun . tp dr kol 12 malam bru masuk n 'bsukan' kat sana smpai la round 1 tutup iaitu kol 6 pagi .ye a dh houdai(leh main infiniti ) kan,so kene a gunakan sebaik-baiknye .so apabila round 1 tutup dan sang suria telah mnunjuk kan wajahnye ....

kami pun mulalah mengambil langkah untuk memulakan langkah pulang ke kampung tokushima yg trcinta itu ..n tk berapa lamanye time ktorang smpai kat satu junction ini tetiba...iz ..(bukan nama sbenar ).."eh lumba jum "..telah mnyuarakan idea untuk menunjukkan belang nye dengan kete mazda rx7 yg baru dimilikinnye ..

apa lagik,.. dengan jalan yg agk lengang ,mklumlah kol 6 pagi , so tnpa berbincang pnjg n tk mau mngalah dreba kete yg aku nek ni cue sir..pun berasa tk puas hati dngan kete yg tk kurang hebtnye walau pun sudh agk uzur tp msih lg leh lg 'Power' iaitu honda gtr ..(aku pnumpang jee..pasai bleum ada lesen jepun )so btugas jadik cameraman je la...

mka bermulah perempitan kami dengan rx7 mendahului sambil mengeluarkan bunyi masuk gear 'pceet ..pceett...'dan safuenzo (nickname)pun mulalah menganjing dengan mengeluarkan juga bnyi2x seakan-akan kete spot yg power masuk gear pcccceet..pccceet dngan kenyaringat yg sngt tnggi ke arh pemandu rx7 iz .lalu iz yg kurang brpuas hati trus memecut dengan lajunye shingga melupakan perkara disekeliling ...

dan juga mndrift di laluan sempit..namun dengan kepakaran cue sir dn skillnye yng tk kurang hebatnye ..berjaya mmmotong rx7 untuk bbrapa kali ..

maka kat sini tibala turn aku btugas dengan mngluarkan kepala dari celing kete untuk mngambil bukti n beberapa shot2 yg mnarik.( tanpa mngira rintangan angin sngat kuat ak mngeraskan tangn tuk mereducekan sebnyk mngkin vibrate demi shot yg lawa..).cuba lihat kat jalan tuh besr2 tulis 50 km/hr tp wat2 tk nmpak je suma .良い子はまねしないでくださいね。。。n plumbaan terus bjaln untuk seketika ...but tetiba cue sir trjumpa 1 spot yg menarik tuk amk udara segar、 so secara tk rasmi nye plumbaan pun tamat bgitu sahaja ..n lastly kami suma tiba di tokushima dngan suma dlm keadaan separuh pengsan ..akibat tk cukup tidor .. . tamat :D
Posted on 12/18/2008 12:24:00 am by rifa87 and filed under , , , | 7 Comments »

my toy-初公開

Dis toy i Nikon D40 ..bought the toy at Yodobashi,Akihabara..haha..(so far from here) .worth 4man 9sen yen at that time but with 6sen yen lebih bonus point ..there, tought dat chance 4 me to come here again was a bit few ,i sold those bonus point to Haru..thanks a Haru ..since then it has been 2 month but sem to be long enough 4 me. haha..manusia mana pnah bsyukur ..had come the feeling to 'upgrade'..(padahal tk power pun..:p ).so kallo dh tk pkai masuk je auction.abih cherita ..soo convenience !!
Posted on 12/17/2008 12:17:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 7 Comments »

behind season

water 1, originally uploaded by rifa87.

akhirnye bleh bnapas gk aku malam nih ..kalo tk malam-malam ku hnye pnuh ngan report tk pun xm ke nbnyk ak amk pluang nih tuk buh serba sket bnda yg dtgkap kat Tokushima kouen(edited vs..).. mungkin juga akan da orang ingat mnda nih dh off-season tuk pos bnda alh daun2 nih .haha2x..mmg pun pasai salji pun dh turun kat sstngah tmpat kat nihon ni ark !!..but in tokushima to see the snow falling is still a waits.hoping to fall longer than last year..hmmm..cuti fuyu nk dekat ah tp haprk tk pikir lg nk wat apa..mntkla.. supaya tkde sbarang shukudai or reports during breaks.やってらんない。。:p

Posted on 12/16/2008 01:47:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 2 Comments »

mengetest shoting di malam hari

serba sikit bnde yg aku tngkap di junction route jalan 11-39.with some help from my "tokushima-shooting-club's friends..haha.sangat sibuk tk hingat skang..exam pun bnyk..da hapyou lagik..haih pa nak jadik a .sabo je la .gambarou, n tawakal kepada yang maha ESA..
tsuuro ke naruto, originally uploaded by rifa87.

Posted on 12/10/2008 10:06:00 pm by rifa87 and filed under | 7 Comments »

Who mention 72!

One day when I was going to copy 過去問(past years Qst)from my Japanese friend and somehow he was asking me about my religious Islam .common question to be asked by a Japanese I think like

“why cannot eat buta(pork)!” or

“Why don’t drink sake, nobody will scold you!”

Huh!! Silly of course!!Those were absolutely prohibited. I couldn’t gave them the best answer n it ended up by telling them that GOD will be mad at me .And it happened to be that we were at the computer’s room and I had introduced this site. Islam no homepage Then here come the topics!! When [A]san opened Wikipedia about Islam and when came to this sentence, he read it loud n LOL!! If I were at their places which is Islam, as a Rome for them or in Japanese it said 珍紛漢紛(ちんぷんかんぷん), maybe I would laugh either, Probably.!Thus it’s not their fault I think but the problem is .

Why free sex with 72 girls!! Why 72!!

Better could just wrote live happily forever, couldn’t` it

There must be a misunderstanding here by the one who wrote this at the 1st place. Want to update it but never did it before. So I beg for those who knew how to , could help to update Wikipedia!

Posted on 12/06/2008 12:29:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 2 Comments »

Hasil. Dari .Rifa...H.D.R.. :-)

here I would like to introuduce HDR(high defination range)pictue .Knew bout tis bout 3 days ago n have been seriusly doing tis yesterday..haha.this photo actually was taken by my friend with the latest version of nicon dat is d90.on the way to mt.bizan. made me think want to have one.haha 'over budget'laa... n thanks to everyone who represents in this works.Love tis picture the most upon pictures dat I made yesterday .Like the panorama a lot
when people became a HDR turns out like tis ..quite a tough part to make people look nice in hdr ..which had taken me lots of "try n error".I like de sunset behind ..tq to my friend to be the model here..hehe .doumou!!

_DSC0099_100_101, originally uploaded by rifa87.

this is a scene ry taken by putting the camera on the floor .but nice view..To lop..ご苦労様。。hehe
yet..I shouldn't be doing these kind of hobby-related thing now.haha! :p
A pile of reports to be done by now...mata naa!!

Posted on 11/24/2008 11:01:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 11 Comments »

panorama from mt.bizan

dare to see the original size of the photo above.!click on it!!

Tokushima City, capital of Tokushima Prefecture, has a population of about 260,000. The city is in northern Tokushima Prefecture where the Yoshino River and its tributaries create a delta. Being the major city in the area, industry, administration, economic activity, cultural and educational facilities have long been centered here and made the city prosperous.
Tokushima City is blessed with a mild climate and rich agricultural products. The Yoshino River, the longest on Shikoku, and other rivers running across the city and the elegant green of Mt. Bizan provide spiritual comfort for the citizens and relaxation for the visitors. Tokushima’s natural features and history created a distinctive culture: Awa Odori dance, puppet theatre (Ningyo Joruri), indigo dyeing (Aizome) / textile manufacturing (shijira-ori ), wooden products, Sudachi (citrus fruit) more
Posted on 11/24/2008 10:01:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 1 Comments »

Alam macro

DSC_0205, originally uploaded by rifa87. first attempt on macro....huhuh dpat lak lebah tgh isp madu lak tuh...besh2!!(trpngaruh ngan hadi...:p)this picture was taken wit sigma 18-200.Hopefully to own a macro lens someday...

Posted on 11/24/2008 09:10:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 4 Comments »

HOW bout lending hand to others.

DSC_0313, originally uploaded by rifa87.

Wendy :"I hav a friend A!! Dia duduk a tas wheel chair a .kalau pgi2 A!! sangat takut nk minum air .sebab apa!!nnti kene mnyusahkan orang mau pgi toilet..klao pgi khusus macam ini sudah malam dan blik rumah baru minum air bnyk2."
Wendy-hasn't eye vision since accident
Kay -impuls problem
Ai B-cannot walk
these were the OKUs in this trip. But they have a pure smile in their faces .At 1st they actully dont want to be here in japan coz of their problems, and a lot more but with a warm welcoming from all the participants , they managed to be here with us .
"I rasa a kalau macam ni a, 2 mggu tk cukup loo"wendy said.:-)
Recently I havn't post any blog .haha!! so busy wit jikken(eks), reports n shiken (exm ) .連発(tkreti nk stop)tk mnang tngan dibuatnye .N last week got an opportunity to be with these people(mostly hve n affair with Jbtn .kbjkan ) in discussion trip in Sakamoto. What a great trip n taught me a lot .sometimes 健常な人(normal people)like ours forgot bout them who suffers!!.

Got Ai B made this calligraphy written arifu...heheh

IN Japan they said

IN the center with suits,is Mr.Fujimoto. A Silver Paralympic's medalist in Beijing this year.Cngratulates !!

Posted on 11/22/2008 11:04:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 2 Comments »

Pemabngunan Ukhwah

Last year I've read an article in a blog. Some part of the article:

I'm hoping that the incident occurred in the Mosque today, would be a positive lesson for each of us. Even though we have many ideal solutions to offer, we have to admit that people out there are far for ready to accept changes in attitude about religion.

In order to achieve our dream, we must first be able to think positive and learn to differentiate between the custom and widespread misunderstanding among the people, with the true Islam that is so far away from what we have seen today, saya cuba menenangkan peserta.

Quite interesting article I think.
Posted on 11/14/2008 08:34:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 1 Comments »

Don’t have Photoshop? Try Picnik

If you're already a flickr user u may already known about right click on 'edit photo' icon above the picture right! The web site is nicely designed with eye soothing graphics like grass and faded clouds. It is an online photo editor with some basic tools like: Resize, Crop and so on, plus with many cool and handy filter effects. You can just simply sign up, and start edit your pictures!

I like this website and the convenience of the service, it is real cool. Definitely a site worth watching at!

Posted on 11/13/2008 07:52:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 1 Comments »

Out of the window

DSC_0084, originally uploaded by rifa87.

Despite my blog title that is Rifa,tokushima n D40.I haven't talk much about Tokushima or maybe not a single one .Haha!SO on this opportunity I'd like to blog some of my picture taken through tokye's window.WHY! because my window scenery is the opposite apartment.Haha..sight!!

Posted on 11/13/2008 07:36:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 0 Comments »

夜景。。night scenery

DSC_0033, originally uploaded by rifa87.

Took this picture from Mt. Bizan last week .Went there drifting on Gifu's visit to Tokushima .!Well,somebody called this town a 'cowboy' town actually .Aha!However at least looks great in picture I think isn't it.

Posted on 11/13/2008 07:19:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 0 Comments »

感想。。 don't feel uneasy

This picture was taken in Asakusa ,Tokyo.Edited a bit :p


ninja, originally uploaded by rifa87.

kansou..a lot of Mlaysian students in Japan hate this!Knew that... Thats include me.(*°∀°)=3.
It has been about a week since my first post .
hmmm2x...なんとなく分かる。So this is what blogs are!
I found my high school friends,make new friends,
n best of all is to be in contact with everyone .Well I'm not so good in writing actually, but I'm taking this kind a bit as training .Ive received a lot of feed backs, n thank you 4 supporting me.I hope people enjoy reading my posts n i welcomed every comments of course(^_^) or (^_^)v,

makan burger kat MOs Burger,

makan ramen kat Kedai Ramen,

Saya budak baru blajar bloger,

kalau salah sila bagi commen.

_| ̄|○, _| ̄|○, _| ̄|○,_| ̄|○, _| ̄|○,_| ̄|○, _| ̄|○,

Posted on 11/11/2008 10:12:00 pm by rifa87 and filed under | 0 Comments »

top chart flickr

top chart november, originally uploaded by rifa87.

Wow. What an awesome suprised result to me!!Why,coz this is my flickr most viewed picture this month. mirza has became no1 rank with 42 views, Puan's with starring faces in 2nd place with 33views.Haha.What a Shock!!

キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!, (゜∀゜) キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!, (゜∀゜) キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!, (゜∀゜) キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!, (゜∀゜)
Posted on 11/10/2008 11:42:00 pm by rifa87 and filed under | 1 Comments »

Apprentice Procrastinator: Who Benefits Most From The $700,000,000,000.00 Bailout?

Apprentice Procrastinator: Who Benefits Most From The $700,000,000,000.00 Bailout?
Posted on 11/10/2008 06:09:00 pm by rifa87 and filed under | 0 Comments »


this one has trunks!haha
The one that saudara Anuar made .simple but Strong!!

I like this the most.VERY CREATIVE

this years ロボコン(robot contest )within Tokushima-ken has took place at Asty TOkushima with 21 teams competitors each one have their own hand made Lego robot.

Written to be starts at 9 oclock but of course an hour behind schedule..I didn't sleep the night before but somehow i managed to join this event .(^_^;).the rules are simple.the robots have to go along path with obstacles n complete mission under time limit. who reaches the end or has completed missions first wins!Although these robots were made by Lego,they have their specialty and was fully programmed.Greet おめでとう(congrats) to Anuar who won second place. (≧∇≦)/Which his robots was just a second late behind !st place.(* ̄m ̄).this is wat Fate i think.

Posted on 11/09/2008 01:53:00 pm by rifa87 and filed under | 2 Comments »

What's with バナナクッキ(Biskut Pisang)

Arghhh!! WHY must there a present in 実験(eksp)..Insufficient in repot . ha!!
発表最悪!!(present worst)
aku sorang je mau dekat sejam .As the ①st presentator campur sesi menjawab soklan lagi.
member len 20 minit gurai je
hai...BIAS GILER!!
Maa..tu la wat hapyou tk paam biler dh tdiam kat dpan soang2 br nk paham ..haha!!Down tul..
Nilah citernye.
Pas (present)発表 dpt saguhati nih.haha.

Posted on 11/07/2008 05:40:00 pm by rifa87 and filed under | 6 Comments »

my Greatest 作品 ..(by now :p)

Its been about a month since I started using my adobe photoshop cs3.
Although not having so much time coz buzy with my 難しい実験(difficult experiment)n preparation 4 発表(presentation).
This is only that I managed.
Its may seen nice seeing it in small frame but in the detail 正直に汚い!
Hope the 実験 will end up soon.
Posted on 11/06/2008 02:25:00 am by rifa87 and filed under | 1 Comments »

'omiyage' from tokyo

got diz thing last summer..
lepas baito kat ギブリ キャラ ショップ(Gibli Shop) dapat benda alah ni..
strap henset character totoro...
1 of the famous anime character by gibli studio.
Posted on 11/05/2008 09:21:00 pm by rifa87 and filed under | 3 Comments »


a video from my japanese 'sensei'...

This video was published by NHK n has become very famous among Japanese.
Hear until the end to understand the meaning.I've copied the lyrics by the way!











Posted on 11/04/2008 10:18:00 pm by rifa87 and filed under | 0 Comments »